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ark:/12148/btv1b100823412 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A work of lexicography by Amarasiṁha (active 500 c.), containing synonyms for different categories of words. It is divided into three kāṇḍas, svargādikāṇḍa, bhuvargādikāṇḍa and sāmānyādikāṇḍa. The manuscript contains a commentary.
ark:/12148/btv1b10082727f Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Bangla
Popularly known as the Manusmṛti, this is attributed to the legendary first man and lawgiver ‘Manu’, and was regarded as the most authoritative works of dharmaśāstra. It was composed between the 2nd century BCE and 3rd century CE, and is written in verse (śloka).
ark:/12148/btv1b10082808f Language : Sanskrit, Hindi Scripts : Devanagari
"Vaṭukabhairava is a deity who protects from danger and bestows prosperity. The Rāmarakṣa stotra shields from danger. The third manuscript contains Hindi couplets (doha)."
Siddhānta Kaumudī
ark:/12148/btv1b10082565f Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Granta
"The grammar authored by Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita (1547–1633), which shows how to derive conjugations, declensions and conjunct words (prakriyā) from the rules of Pāṇini."
Prākṛtadīpikā , Rasavatī
ark:/12148/btv1b10082572h Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Bangla
"A composite manuscript with two texts on Sanskrit grammar."
ark:/12148/btv1b10082793j Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
"The Ākhyātaprakriyā text is a vyākaraṇa that gives rules for deriving verbal conjugations according to tense and mood. "
Saṅgrahaṇi Sūtra
ark:/12148/btv1b531646593 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
The saṅgrahaṇi sūtras on Jain cosmology and geography formed part of the monastic syllabus. The Prakrit name is Samghayanarayana.
Gaṇapati stotra , Mahimna stotra,Sukṣmagītā ,Ardhnārimāheśvarastotra.Śivadvādaśanāmastotra,Prādośastotra,Dvādaśajyotirliṅgastotra, Ādityahr̥daya,Viṣṇusahastranāma,Cākraviśru,Nārāyaṇa kavaca,Śivakavaca
ark:/12148/btv1b10082824g Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A composite manuscript containing stotras from the Mahābhārata and various Purāṇas, and text from the Gītā.
Smr̥ti collection
ark:/12148/btv1b100827834 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Granta
A collection of five smṛti texts: Vasiṣṭhasmṛti, Hārītasmṛti, Vṛddhahārītasmṛti, Bṛhaspatismṛti, and Viṣṇusmṛti. A title folio gives the name of the texts in order, as well as the number of folios for each. They all seem to be written by the same hand, with the exception of the Vṛddhahārītasmṛti, which is incomplete.
ark:/12148/btv1b100826952 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Śāradā
composite manuscript.
ark:/12148/btv1b10082444s Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Bangla
"A dramatised retelling of the Rāmāyaṇa attributed to Murāri and dated to the ninth century. The play has little action, but was widely cited for its poetic and grammatical sophistication."
Bhāṣāyogavāsiṣṭhasāra-Jñānasāra, Vakroktipañcāśikāṭīppaṇa
ark:/12148/btv1b100826020 Language : Hindi, Sanskrit Scripts : Śāradā
A composite manuscript with a Hindi translation of the Yogavāsiṣṭhasāra and a commentary on Vakroktipañcāśikā of Ratnākara.