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112750_M015A_4060_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A work of lexicography by Amarasiṁha (active 500 c.), containing synonyms for different categories of words, with the Amaraviveka commentary by Maheśvara.
112751_M016A_4061_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A poem in praise of the sun god, written by Mayūra (580 c.–650 c.), with a commentary titled Sārtha by Bālambhaṭṭa. Its recitation is supposed to cure leprosy. It has two extra verses at the end, the second verse perhaps written by the commentator
112757_M021CA_4064_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
An incomplete manuscript of a text on jyotiṣa, which talks about auspicious timings for conducting different rituals.
112752_M017A_4062_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
This appears to be a commentary on Sārasvatīprakriyā of Anubhūti Svarūpācārya (1270 c.), authored by Puñjarāja, who was a minister at the court of Sultan Giasuddin Khilji (r. 1469–1500). Puñjarāja belonged to the Śrīmāla family of Malabar; either his ancestors or he himself migrated to Mālva.
113226_M013A_4059_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
The incomplete first canto of Kālidāsa’s Sanskrit mahākāvya that narrates the story of several generations of the descendants of Raghu, ancestor of Lord Rāma (‘vaṃśa’ means lineage).
Commentary on Bhāgavata Purāṇa
113248_M018A_4063_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
This appears to be an incomplete commentary on Bhāgavata Purāṇa, and is written in two different hands.
112737_M003A_4031_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A text on jyotiṣa divided into four prakaraṇas. Each prakaraṇa is identified by a letter (a, va, pa and da), with further sub-divisions in each.
112747_M010A_4032_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
This is a dharmaśāstra text, addressing topics like śrāddha, śaucāśauca and śuddhi, prāyaśchitta, Ucchiṣṭa bhojana prāyaśchitta, Praśastivākya, ṛṇādāna. The author mentions the comments of predecessors like Āpastambha, Hārīta, Gobhila, Parāśara and Yājñavalkya.
112753_M019A_4035_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
This text derives from Bṛhadrāmāyaṇa, and describes the beauty and religious importance of the Citrakūṭa mountain.
112754_M020A_4036_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A concise introduction to Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika written by Annaṃbhaṭṭa in 1623 ce, showing how the universe can be analyzed through natural language. The text breaks off half-way through the work, in the section on cause and effect (kārya-kāraṇa).
112758_M022CA_4037_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
An astrological text, with an unidentified commentary, which discusses age groups: dīrghāyu, madhya and alpāyu.
112759_M023CA_4038_CS Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A text on lexicography that explains various words (starting with vyañjana or consonants) and their synonyms. It has words from ‘ka’ to ‘ma’.